Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fall - A Love/Hate Relationship
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Reactive vs. Proactive Medicine
Close-up 4 weeks post op. Gotta love the drool. Like a 24/7 faucet that we can't turn off.
I love his pediatrician for lots of reasons, but her proactive medicine is one of the things that draws me to her. She has been on the ball with getting him the care he needs and making sure he doesn't fall behind. She is the one that saved Andrew's life when he was little, litterally. Andrew's previous pediatrician kept treating Andrew for a cold and told us to not worry about it, even though this type of practicing medicine ended us up in the ER multiple times for breathing treatments and even a hosptial stay for RSV. She never wanted to get to the bottom of what was causing his breathing issues and just blamed it on a cold. One constant cold that lasted 2 1/2 years!! Mailander (the current pediatrician) recommended allergy testing on our first visit and life as we knew it changed from that moment on. We eliminated the things he is allergic to, wheat, soy, cats, and other environment things and started him on maintenance medicine. We have been able to control his asthma issues and have not ended up back in the hospital. Why not take care of business before it becomes an emergency?
Can proactive medicine go overboard? YES! Don't even get me started on the whole unnecessary c-section rate in our country and the way the OB world treats pregnancy as if it is an illness and something they need to cure us of. But, at times it is necessary to treat first and then ask questions second instead of waiting around for there to be further complications.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wedding in AZ
I am super tired tonight so I am going to try and be shortwinded (is that possible?)
The entire family. Love the sunset in the background. We all had a wonderful time at the wedding and getting to spend some quality time with each other. Just wish they didn't live so far away. We also really missed our sister Faith and brother David and their families, who live in N.C.
TAG! Your It.
adventures of aidanpod...: Tag before bed...
#1 I don't really want to copy Heather's, but I am also afraid of the dark. It mainly started when I was pregnant with Alexis (now 4 yrs old). I had to sleep with a night light on in the room and in the hallway. I would start to panic if our bedroom door was closed too far that I couldn't see the light in the hallway. At first Dale would laugh and make fun of me till he realized it was a pure panic moment for me. Now he just tolerates the light in the hallway and room and knows to keep his opinion to himself. I don't even like driving at night anymore.
#2 I have an obsession with numbers. For example, Aiden was born on 3/3/2008 - 3+3+2=8; and Andrew was born on 5/27: 5+2=7; and Dale was born on 5/16 - 5+1=6..... you get the point. My favorite time of the day is 12:34 and 56 seconds or 11:11. When ever one of my sister's were pregnant they would call me with their due dates and ask me which day they should have the baby so the numbers would work out. They just want to see if I can get it to mathmatically work some how. At times they are pretty crazy equations, but I can get it usually.
#3 I can't stand feet. Little baby feet are adorable, but once they get to like 3 yrs old or more- YUCK!! My husband and kiddos of course have no mercy and LOVE to stick their feet in my face or rub their feet on me. The worst is socked feet directly out of shoes. Alexis has the sweatiest feet of anyone I know. If they are dirty at all she can make mud. YUCK YUCK!! Now, popping toes, that is another thing. I love to pop the kids toes and try to pop Dale's toes but he gets away from me faster. But, don't even think about popping my toes!
#4 I spent 2 months in Alaska for summer missions. During my second and third year of college I went to Alaska for 2 months to teach kiddos about God. I was able to hike a glacier, go to a logging show, lots of fishing both fresh and salt water, saw more hours of daylight then I thought was imaginable, had only 7 days of no rain the whole time I was there, and injured my back which has never been the same. Lots of wonderful memories and wish I could go back, all though this time I would be on a cruise ship.
#5 Quirk for names starting with the same letter. A team: Andrew, Alexis, and Aiden. Dogs: Sally and Suzy. When I was growing up we had all M named animals: Mocha, Max, Molly, Mitzi, Midnight, Marky, and many more.
#6 Aiden has EIGHT names. Of course there is a story for that but here they are: Aiden Bennett-Charles Dale Eugene Fredrick Glen Howse. We knew we wanted an A first name (see weird fact #5) but couldn't come up with a middle name. So, Dale and I sat down and wrote out all the grandpa's, great grandpa's and even great great grandpa's first and middle names. Then being the weirdo that I am, I alphabetized the names and realized that we could name him with the initials of ABCDEFGH, my alphabet guy. So, Aiden is his unique name. Bennett - Dale's middle name which comes from his Grandpa Howse; Charles - My dad's middle name and Dale's dad's middle name, and my great grandpa Chilcoat (dad's mom's dad); Dale - husband's first name which comes from his Grandpa Campbell; Eugene - My Grandpa Leader's name (my mom's dad); Fredrick - my great grandpa Wendeln's name (my dad's side); Glen - grandpa Campbell's first name; and then Howse - last name. If you arent completely confused then I am impressed. His birth certificate is two pages long and Social Security wouldn't let us put all of them on there so he is just listed as Aiden Bennett-Charles Howse on the card. We didnt' know if he was going to be a boy or girl till he was born so Dale and I shook hands while we were pregnant that if he was a boy that would be his name. I was 95% sure I was having a girl and never imagined we would end up with a child with 8 names. But, a deal is a deal and I love his unique name. He is a strong boy with a strong name.
#7 Born in Rochester, NY. Not really a weird fact but something that not everyone knows. Everyone always tells me I talk so fast and my mom has always said that is because I was born in NY. My grandpa used to tell me when I was a kid to stop talking because he could never understand me since I talked so fast. I would tell him that I didn't talk fast, he just listened slow. Andrew has inherited this trait and I am constantly telling him to slow down so people can understand him.
#8 I know it said seven but I just thought of another one and I didn't want to delete one I had already written. So #8 is: Dale and I met online. We chatted for a while online, then exchanged phone numbers, and then a while later met in real life at Olive Garden in SB where our waitress' name was Joy and she almost spilt the entire tray of food on our heads. We had a great time chatting for hours and then maintained friendship for a long time afterwards. We were friends for 3 years before we started dating in June of '02 and then married in July of '03.
Now to tag seven more people. This is hard since most of the people that read my blog don't have a blog of their own and those that do have a blog have already been tag by someone else. But here goes:
Now you all think I am crazy and should be committed to a looney bin. Have a wonderful week.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Magical Car
I was so terrified to get the call today because I just knew it was going to cost an arm and a leg, and well honestly I don't have any spare arms and legs laying around the house anymore. Much to my surprise the magical car cost only $10.76 to fix!!!! All it needed was a new gas cap. Because the seal wasn't tight enough it was sending a message to the computer that it needed to be fixed. THANK YOU GOD!!!
Now the only issue was getting it picked up. Thankfully Dale works late today so he was still home. He hurried up and got ready and ran down to the shop, picked up the car, left his there, hurried home, picked up the kiddos and me, ran him back down to the shop, and dropped him off at his car so he could get on the road to work. Then, I ran to the auto part store to get a new gas cap. After dragging the four kiddos out of the car and saying repeatedly, "grab your buddies hand and don't touch anything," we made it in the store only to find out they didn't have any in stock. My face must have said a thousand words because the lady behind the counter immediately asked me if I would like her to call the competitor store down the street to see if they had one before I had to drag my kids all over God's good green earth. Thankfully they did have one in stock so the lady told them to hold it and that "a lady with LOTS and LOTS and mucho LOTS of kids" would be right over to pick it up. If only she knew I had two others in school. The cashier at the competitor store saw me coming with "lots and lots of kids" and held it up for me to come straight to him. He was already in the process of ringing it up. Now, was he being nice to the lady with her hands full or just trying to avoid having to deal with kiddos in the store by getting us out of there as fast as possible? We will never know. It took twice as long to get them unbuckled, taken in and out of the store and buckled back up then it did for them to ring it up (though it did take a few extra seconds because Caleb desperately wanted some M&Ms, to which Desiree said, "My mommy ALWAYS buys me these when she sees them.") :)
So, we are back home with the magical car and my bank account is not depleted down to zero. Now if only I had the energy to get ready for my road trip tomorrow. I have the list made so that is a start.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Funny Desiree Sayings
**"Auntie Joy, you have a magical car." Said in reference to the doors opening automatically with the push of a button and the cool rear windows. That magical car..... in the shop since the check engine light came on today. UGH!!!
**"Mommy always says 'Hurry up!' to the drivers." Said in reference to my comment of slow down to the crazy driver through our neighborhood.
**"My car can't go in the garage because my daddy has too much stuff." Well, truth be told this is only the fifth night my car has slept in the garage thanks to all of Dale's hard work organizing it on Sat. afternoon.
**"Aiden's Dr. gave me a sticker that doesn't stick." This was said after she had peeled and stuck it to her shirt at least a dozen times.
**When I asked her if she knew my name because she kept tapping me she said, "Duh, Auntie Grace!" (my sister).
**"The cheese at my Olive Garden is much bigger then the cheese at yours." Made after watching a commercial on t.v.
**"Your big dog is big and your little dog is little."
**"Why does Aiden cry like a baby?" Because he is a baby. :)
I am sure there were many more and like I said, I wish I had been writing them down from the beginning. Wonder what funny sayings we will hear tomorrow. :)
Second Half of the Game
Tatiana and Alexis are doing a little catalog shopping.
6 Month Physical, 6 Weeks Late
Dr. Mailander's nurses argued over who would get him as their patient. Rock, paper, scissors answered that question. He is now 16 lbs 11 ozs. and 27 in. long (he lost a little weight from the surgery). At birth he was 9 lbs 7 ozs and 21 inches long. That's a gain of 7 lbs 4 ozs and 6 inches. He is meeting all of his milestones, including crawling, sitting up unassisted, eating baby food, and recognizing Mommy and Daddy.
Once his initial evaluation was done his doctor came in. She immediately scooped him up and could not stop gushing over his repair. In all her years with multiple cleft babies she said she had never seen such a great repair and attributes it to not only a great surgeon but also the NAM and God's handy work. She had to call in the other doctors to check out the awesome repair. So here I am with the four kiddos in the room and in come 3 more doctors, followed by not only one nurse, but EIGHT nurses who all wanted to check out his repair. He ate up all the attention of course. Once the show and tell time was over it was back to business. She did her check and has recommended Aiden for an occupational therapist review. She wants him to see OT because even after three weeks post-op he still does not want to put the bottle nipple in his mouth, and moves his tongue kinda weird when he swallows. She is worried that could cause long term oral problems. This will be done STAT so we should be getting a call in the next day or so to get that scheduled. She also gave me the number for the speech evaluation because the cleft team said they wouldn't refer him till he was a year old. She would rather get him evaluated the earlier the better. I love how proactive she is instead of waiting till there is a major problem.
Aiden was Mr. Smiley, that was until Julie, the nurse, came in to give him his flu shot. He wasn't too happy about that but cheered up pretty quickly after the initial shock. We are praying for no side effects from the shot since we are planning on going to AZ this Fri, Sat, and Sun. for my sister's wedding.
That pretty much sums up the appointment. Desiree, Caleb, and Tatiana (my sister's kiddos) got the best end of the deal. Aiden got all the poking and proding and they got the lollipops and stickers. Doesn't seem fair but such is life when you are 7 1/2 months old.
*Sorry I don't have a pic (usually I do), but the room was a little crazy with the revolving door that it totally slipped my mind till I sat down to write this and realized I had forgotten.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Half Time Report
Crazy morning hair, gotta love it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Our Fun Filled Day
Learning our ABCs
Caleb had so much fun pushing the bike in circles.
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Aiden's First Word
First Baby Cereal
All clean and ready to go.
Starting to really get the hang of it. This stuff is messy but pretty good after all.
All done? Just when it was getting good.
I really want more, please!!!! If I do a trick with my legs will you give me more?
I'll settle for a bottle to wash it all down.