Monday, March 2, 2009

I *Heart* Faces - Messy

I thought for sure with my little guy's first exposure to birthday cake this past Saturday that I would have lots of images to choose from. Instead, I ended up with a little guy who was afraid of the mess and barely stuck his fingers in the cake. I was hoping for some great messy cake pictures, but no such luck. So, I went rummaging through my past pictures and found this one of his messy hair. He always looked so crazy right after bath time Head on over to I *Heart* Faces to see some other cute, messy photos of our sweet little ones.


  1. OhMyGosh...what a cutie he is!! That hair is too funny! Love it!

  2. Um, I just tried to post a comment and it is gone. He looks very cute! And if this is my second comment - sorry! ;-)

  3. Ok, seriously.....I love this! : )
